INDIA +91 964 309 2571 | USA +1 650 405 4891


NxtWish is an online Rental website where users can post items for rent. Rented items are approved by an admin. Searching of items is done using Sphinx search. Users can request for an item for rental and owner can accept or reject the request, exchange messages regarding the booking. Profanity filter is applied to messages.


Nxtwish is an online marketplace where you can rent almost anything you want in the UAE. Electronics, Home & Decor, Music, Games, Sports & Outdoors, Parties & Costumes, Babies & Toys and much more.



  • The Client was very particular about the designs. Multiple interactions were held, with mockups, to ensure this.

  • Agile development was done, to meet the changing requirements, due to changing market conditions.


  • Nxtwish Homepage – enlist categories, testimonials, features, Ads and promotional banner image

  • Post an Ad Page to allow registered users to post an Ad for the product

  • Wishlist allow users to create wishlists. If the product is not available and a user wants that product in future, then user can add the product in their wishlist

  • Messages and Notifications Page allows registered users to receive messages and notifications across their respective bookings and generic messages.

  • Account setting page to help users to update their profile

  • Dashboard Page to allow users to manage Ads, manage bookings and see their transactions for bookings under Transaction history

  • Categories page allow users to see the products under different categories available. The users can make bookings across the products available.

  • Admin Page allows the Admin to manage the application.


  • Requirement gathering from the client

  • Mockup’s Creation

  • Re-estimate project and map

  • User Stories Creation by BA and sharing the same with Client

  • Plan Stories based on the milestone and share the same with the Client along with deadlines

  • Design each of the stories 

  • Development and Testing

  • Demo to Client before delivery of milestone

  • Closure on all the milestone and delivering the product to client

  • Closure of the project by handing over all the documents and data to the Client


Backend Components

Rails, Monolithic architecture, MySQL database adapter, SideKiq, Imagemagick, Payment web service


Frontend Components

React.js, Build Tools – Webpack and Foreman, React Javascript



NxtWish was ranked among the top 3 Rental Applications in UAE

Project Case Study

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