- The frontend is Ember and backend is Express.
- NW (node-webkit) version is 0.20.1 (install using
npm install -g nw@0.20.1
) - Node (node) version is 7.0.0 (install using
nvm install v7.0.0
which internally download node-sass with file node-v51-linux-x64) - NW-gyp (nw-gyp) (install using used
npm install -g nw-gyp
for building node-webkit from source, but by default, it uses latest node version for compilation. In my case it uses v7.0.0. Due to it I upgraded my
project node version to node v7.0.0) - Frontend compiles ember project and store compiled index file to backend/public/index.html
Initial Setup
cd /home/ubuntu/project_name/backend
nvm install v7.0.0
nvm list
nvm use v7.0.0
npm install -g nw@0.20.1
npm install -g nw-gyp
Nodemon is used for running backend express server using nodemon --exec 'bin/www'
in backend
npm install -g nodemon
Install npm packages mentioned in package.json
npm install
As by default sqlite is fetched with compiled for the node. And as we require to compile for node-webkit so uninstall sqlite3
npm uninstall sqlite3 --save
Compile sqlite3 for runtime as node-WebKit with target architecture is of 64-bit system and target version of node-webkit as 0.20.1
npm install sqlite3 --build-from-source --runtime=node-webkit --target_arch=x64 --target=0.20.1 --save
Move sqlite compiled node file from node-webkit-v0.20.1-linux-x64 to node-v51-linux-x64
mv /home/ubuntu/project_name/backend/node_modules/sqlite3/lib/binding/node-webkit-v0.20.1-linux-x64/node_sqlite3.node
In package.json file add following fields
In backend package.json
"main": "http://localhost:3000",
"node-main": "./bin/www"
To run node webkit for current project execute nw