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D3.js or Chart.js: Detailed comparison

In the world of data – visualization plays a keen role in portraying the data. It enables you to make sense of it faster, and also observe interesting patterns that wouldn’t be apparent from looking only at stats. We were faced with a similar issue – to...

Performance Optimization Techniques

This article is about few performance improvements points which I have been using in my current project and they can be applied generally by you as well. I have written this article in a generic way since the tech stack is different than Rails which is commonly used....

What is MQTT Protocol?

What is MQTT? MQTT is an open protocol, standardized by OASIS and ISO (ISO/IEC 20922:2016). It is used for data exchange with constrained devices in the field. It keeps network bandwidth at a minimum level and handles unreliable networks without complex error handling...

To embed or not to embed – Mongodb

MongoDB is a schema-less, Not only SQL database system. A schema-less design allows for rapid prototyping. Often it pushes you into some dilemmas, most common of them – “To embed … or not to embed”. After searching on sites like StackOverflow, Reddit, Quora you...