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The leadership team of Navyug, consisting of ex-Armed Forces officers and IIT Alumni aspired to contribute to enhancing the operational preparedness and effectiveness of the various security agencies of India with a solution which is both world class and affordable.

SCITR has been developed to overcome most of the shortcomings in Counter IED outdoor Training Range by people who are well aware of the gray areas of training methodologies.

Client: Navyug Infosolutions (Company Product)

Project: An IoT based solution to train security personnel to defeat bombs


  • SCITR had to be an effective solution of world class quality but affordable as well, this in itself was a huge challenge.

  • There were plenty other development challenges such as:

    • Shape and size of Microprocessors

    • Integration of Microprocessor units with Application Models

    • Certification for use of Pyro devices GPS Coverage & much more

In fact, every step in the development of the product was a challenge.
The dedication and hard work of the development team, as well as the guidance of the leadership unit, made this product a success.


  • Introduction and requirement gathering/analysis with Next Door team

  • Balsamiq mockups of the solution were prepared

  • Agile methodology with sprint planning, daily stand-ups, backlog cleaning and retrospectives.

  • Test Driven Development

  • Code and Progress of work shared with Client on Git ,Trac and daily status report email

  • Daily 15 min interaction with Client during stand-up to ensure maximum communication and quick reactions

  • Multiple release delivered with release notes shared with clients and feeback collected and catered across each.

  • Provide required project closure documentation


SCITR uses IoT based technology to provide an interactive & hands-on, end to end training solution which prepares security agencies to deal with bomb detection & defusing situations.
• Tracking of IEDs and participants’ activity through state of the art IoT & GPS technology
• A realistic Training system which utilizes gamification of the training exercise
• Facility to conduct 3 sided training exercises (Security Forces, Terrorists, Bystanders)
• It helps soldiers in honing and getting feedback on actual event and skills acquired during Counter IED outdoor training
• It helps Commander in assessment of actual strength and weaknesses of his command

Some clients of SCITR

National Security Guard

BEG Roorkee

CME Pune

13 Engineer Regiment


Avoidance and ignorance of a better mean to train would have led our Security Forces to be under prepared at the time of need and actual event.

Navyug used its core strength of R&D to resolve this problem successfully. We developed this product after duly evaluating voids in existing training methodologies. No such product exists in the Indian market as on date.

Project Case Study

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