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“Gryd is an incredible application that empowers employees and provides a tool to help them manage their own career development.”

 Cathy A 

Director – Compensation and HRIS


Tonushree Mondal Consulting LLC is a Philladelphia based human resource consulting firm supporting clients globally in the area of Talent, Culture and Leadership.They wanted to create a platform which can offer multiple career option within the same organization, so that employees can alter the speed and direction of their career.

Our developers initially investigated the entire architecture. Further, they planned the way through which they could implement all the required elements. They also helped in expanding the possibilities of the solutions through genuine feedbacks.


The need was for a pleasant and clean user interface with enough simplicity to be used by a regular employee on any major devices and OS while providing enough features to help the user in their career growth.

Other key challenges were: 

  • To reduce the risk, we had to first develop a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) with a mock backend.
  • After that, we had to develop a generic app that could easily be used for multiple organization.


  • Balsamiq Mockups for instrumental and experimental purposes..
  • Agile methodology with sprint planning, daily stand-ups and blacklog cleaning.
  • Test Driven Development
  • Smoke and Sanity testing before deployments
  • Multiple release delivered with release notes shared with clients and feedback collected and catered across each.


Gryd provides employees with critical tools to better understand their roles and functions.

  • Career Maps – Provide a quick glance of the roles within a function and the potential lateral or vertical movements within.
  • Role Profiles – Help employees understand the leadership, functional expectations and critical experiences of each role.
  • Connect – Gives access to employees to Career  Champions within the function who can provide them with guidance and insights.
  • Compare – Any two roles can be compared within the organization.
  • Development Plan – Keep track of their actions towards their longer term plans.




Ruby on Rails



Rails, EmberJs and cordova





Project Case Study

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