INDIA +91 964 309 2571 | USA +1 650 405 4891


A patient oriented website, provides a platform to view, compare and provide feedback on doctors, hospitals, and diagnostic centers. Patients use this information to make a well-informed decision for minor and major health conditions and diseases treated. Client: CrediHealth Pvt. Ltd. Project:  Web Application for Hospital Information & Appointment booking


The Business requirement was to provide a credible health service to customers with choices at their fingertips.

  • The primary challenge was to provide a powerful search engine.
  • A key issue was to port a skeleton running application to a new technology, in the shortest possible time, without impacting customers and thereafter add features.
  • A friendly admin interface was needed for the User to add Doctors, Hospitals, Diagnostic Centers on their own.
  • Interactivity was required to allow end-customers to engage with health providers.


  • Extensive interaction with business owners.
  • Ruby on rails framework was selected to meet the extremely short deadline.
  • Balsamiq mockups of solution were made.
  • Poker Planning, Agile methodology with daily standups, sprints and retrospectives.
  • Test Driven Development
  • Code and Progress of work shared with Client on Git and Trac.
  • Daily 15 min interaction with Client during stand-up, to ensure maximum communication and quick reactions.


  • Search and compare Doctors and Hospitals and book appointments.
  • Post queries.
  • Get comparative quotes for a procedure from different hospitals.
  • Blogs and Health Advice.

“Navyug team is highly skilled, diligent, dedicated and very sincere.”

CEO, Credihealth Pvt. Ltd.


  • Credihealth was able to launch the new application very fast, without impacting its end customers.
  • After North India, the business was able to expand their services to include Mumbai.
  • Credihealth was able to aggregate Users to offer them maximum discounts and additional benefits.



Ruby on Rails, Emberjs, Faye (IM and Chat) and Phonegap, Phantomjs



Developed for Web , iOS , Android



Postgres, Solr


Testing Tools

AWS, Jenkins for CI, Rspec, Selenium, Capybara for Integration Testing and Capistrano for Deployment


Project Case Study

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