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MongoDB Replica Set and Related Memory Issues

For better understanding I have divided this post into two parts : – In the first part, I will try to explain Replica set and how it works. – Secondly, I will explain ways to manage storage space. MongoDB is an open-source document database (NoSQL) that...

How to resolve Leap Second Issues

YES, it’s true!!! When we all are busy in a party of the new year, Science gifted us “a second” to live more in 2016. 2017 was started a little bit late than usual. And this is not the first time, this is 27th time when we shifted “our...

PHP vs Ruby on Rails

For starters, Rails is a framework for Ruby and PHP is a language and has many frameworks. Both the PHP and Ruby ecosystem are very powerful, PHP has been on the market far before Ruby. While considering a language for your web application you review it on various...